Why I Loved Her

Writer: Marwan Mohammed

A while ago, my girlfriend left me because of reasons I respect. A friend asked me what I loved in her; I couldn’t answer. Not because I didn’t find anything, but because I thought I wouldn’t be able to portrait how amazing she is and how lucky I was to be with her in words. So, I decided to think about it and share what I loved in her.

I loved the way she looked at me as if I were the last person in the world. I loved the person I was around her, the fact that I could be my true self. I loved how when we were together, it was like the whole world disappeared, and it was just me and her, no problems, nothing. I loved how she knew me better than I knew myself. I loved how she was always willing to push me to my limits, and help me achieve my goals. I loved how when nobody could make me smile, she could. I loved that she was always there for me.

I loved how vulnerable she was with me, but only to me. I loved how I knew I could go through anything, as long as she was with me. I loved how when she laughed, I laughed. I loved how we understood each other. I loved the way she looked at me when she was helping me understand something, with that smile on her face as I just sit there staring at her like an idiot. I loved how she could always comfort me. I loved the way she touched me. I loved how she always apologized first, even if I was wrong. I loved how lucky I was to call her mine. I loved how I could always talk to her about anything at anytime. I loved how she always gave me a goodbye kiss on the cheek, and a hug so tight I could feel her heartbeats, and when I felt those, I felt safe. I loved how she stayed by my side even when I was hard to be around. I loved how she made me a better person. I loved how when we were crossing the street she would always reach for my hand because she felt safer that way.

I loved how she was always kind to people, even when they didn’t deserve it. I loved how she always had something to do. I loved the fact that she might not have always agreed with my decisions, but she trusted them. I loved her compliments. I loved how she would be there when she knew I had a bad day. I loved the way she looked at me when she was mad. I loved the ways she told me that she loves me. I loved how she held my hand whenever I drove and how she would blast the speaker as we sang as loud as we could, not caring about anyone. I loved how smooth her skin was, and how silky her hair is. I loved how she always teased me. I loved her for all of those reasons and many more, I loved her.