Halloween Traditions in Different Countries.

Writer: Shahd Mohammed

On the night of the first of November, the streets of some cities and towns in the world, as well as some educational institutions and places of private concerts, are strange scenes of people in costumes and masks reminiscent of death and ghosts.

A manifest of celebration around the world.

In Austria, they leave some bread, water and lit candles on the table before they sleep on the night of Halloween : this is intended to welcome visiting spirits.

In China, they put food and water in front of the pictures of deceased loved ones.

In the Czech Republic they put the chairs around the fire one for each member of the living family, and one for each dead.

Perhaps the most lavish celebrations are held in Mexico and Latin America, where Halloween is joyous, joyful and memorable day to remember friends and beloved ones who have gone.

One of the festivities of Halloween is that the families build an altar in their home and decorate them with sweets, flowers and pictures of those who left, in addition to their favorite drink and food.