Milkyway Magazine's Crew

Maram Moahmed standing in a park

Maram Mohamed

Founder/ CEO/ Editor in Chief/Writer

Hello! I am Maram Mohammed, an 18-year-old Mass Communication student who has been passionate about art, especially writing, since as long as I remember. My passion fueled me to kickstart this startup at the mere age of 14, when frankly, I didn’t really know what the word startup even meant. All I knew is that I needed to create an arena, from scratch, for all the creatives out there to express. Well, here I am, 4 years later, with a team that is ready to help this wonderful, creative arena to reach its potential. Milkyway Magazine, my first born, is now an almost 4-year-old toddler who means the absolute world to me and I can’t wait to see where the wind will take us.

Lamia Gamil

Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Hola! My name is Lamia Gamil! I have always been passionate about writing! I am adamant that through my writing I would be able to create a better world for everyone. I would like to address solutions and raise awareness about integral issues that do not get the highlight they deserve. I am a strong believer in the power of words, and I believe that with the right use of words we can create miracles.

Rahaf Hossam standing on the beach

Rahaf Hossam

Social Media Manager

Heyy there! I'm Rahaf, a 17 years old who's still trying to figure out what she wants to do in her life, and hoping she can choose a college major before she finds herself thrown into whatever her parents choose. I know one thing tho, I want to work in a creative field and that's what made me give the position of Social Medial Specialist a try, I think I might be hypnotised by all kinds of art and creativity. Also, I'm a huge bookworm, I'm all ears at the mention of books! And I'm half Korean-half Egyptian, that was a joke though, I'm only Egyptian, but I'm korean at heart. If I ever go missing, you'll find me either at the Library, or in South Korea.

Omar Elmahy holding his hair

Omar Elmahy

IT Director

Hello there. It’s Omar Elma7e, but you can call me Elmahy. I’ve been a web designer for quite a while now and a graphic designer. I’m Egyptian and I used to live in KSA, Jeddah. I joined the magazine in April of 2019. I am primarily passionate about taking photographs. My favorite sport that I practice is cylcing. I am always down to work on subjects for the magazine almost all the time. I joined Milkyway Magazine because I wanted to share my skills and improve on them as I grow with the magazine, and gladly, I became better and found people there that are like my brothers/sisters and it so far has been a great community that I’m proud to be a part of.

Mariette Morcos

Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Hey, everyone! My name is Mariette. One of the assistants to the editor-in-chief here. I am almost 20 years old, an IB alumni, and am currently studying communication and media in the Netherlands. I am passionate about the arts in general, but especially literature and film. I am a film and TV show enthusiast, a fun facts generator, and an animal lover. I am also an ambivert—50% introverted and 50% extroverted. (But I will always be an introvert at heart. 🙂) I am a knowledge and experience seeker, and I love learning and trying new things every day. A few fun facts about me: I can do cartoon impersonations and I am a kid at heart.

Rawan Saad holding her science far project at a painting area

Rawan Saad

HR Manager

Hello! This is Rawan Saad the HR manager for MW, I’m a freshman studying mass communication (your future radio host). I love playing sports specially Handball I’m on a break rn but I’ll get back soon, I walk every day an average of 2 hours it helps me think clearer . I’m so thrilled I joined MW magazine I’m sure 23 y.o me will thank me a lot for this decision. what I like about MW is the diversity everyone is different in their own way. I’m opened to criticism it helps me a lot to improve, since I’ve joined the team I have been learning new stuff every day and I can’t wait to learn more.

Salma Mohamed standing on a boat on the redsea in the morning

Salma Mohamed

PR Specialist

Hello! I'm Salma Safwat, an 18 year old girl who has a massive passion in trying new things and keeping herself busy. I took the decision of applying as a PR in the beginning of 2022 and never regretted it. Something about me is that in a couple of months I'll be starting sanwya Amma, so wish me luck! Also, aside from reading I love watching movies and a big fan of Dylan O'Brien

Maryam Ayman standnig in nature with a small smile

Maryam Ayman


Hi, my name is Maryam , a 16 year-old student , I'm really passionate about art and communicating my thoughts through it, my biggest dream is to be able to change the world and support justice through paintings , while enjoying the whole journey.


Habiba Sulliman

Content Writer

Hello everyone! I am Habiba Sulliman, I'm 17 years old. I'm an optimist who looks at the world in a different kind of way, in a poetic way. Because what isn't poetic about it huh? I'm absolutely in love with the sky as well as other numerous things. Yes, you guessed it right! Writing and reading. I mean how couldn't I? I'm an absolute bookworm which was the reason I started developing my writing skills and working on it. I kid you not I cannot live without either of those 2 things. I'm also a runner and a cyclist, 2 things that are very mentally and physically challenging yet I love them all the same. I have a twin sister which is my whole world and a cat who is also the cutest. I love the beach and the waves bring me peace. I'm planning to study literature at college insha'allah and maybe one day become an author, who knows right? That's it I guess. Super excited to work hereee!!

Mariam Badr smiling at night

Mariam Badr

Content Writer

i’m seventeen, i live in alexandria, and i’m a fencer, is what i would have said to keep things short and simple. but i can’t, so here goes. fencing’s been the most important aspect of my life for a while now. where it helps me unwind, channeling my troubles into matches, it also feels like home. i think it’s because my team is so incredible. i’m a fast, ardent reader, and i go through books by the day. i love love love reading. i’m still in school, studying french and computer science, and majoring in biology. i think i’m most interested to study dentistry in college, but veterinary and english lit are also on the table, what-with my love for animals and my passion for writing. i also wanna teach professionally at some point in my life. it may not show because i put on a confident front, but i’m sometimes shy when making new friends, believe me. it’s hard to tell. i think the more people you let into your life, the more you add to your character, your personality. we are who we’re around. i value my family above everything, being close to my parents and younger siblings. writing’s been my outlet for as long as i can remember. i mostly specialize in poems because they’re fun to write, having to navigate rhymes and rythme, all the while exploring with words. i’m also working on two novels, but that’s going pretty slow what-with school and fencing. i’ve just joined milkyway a few weeks ago and can’t wait to embark on this journey with people i know share my passion and love for writing, and all other team members who make it all possible.


Week of Sep 17th

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