Anger Management

Written By Farida Abu Sulieman

Edited By Khaled Mohammed

Graphic Designed By Maram Mohammed

When you hear the word “anger”, what is the first thing that pops into your mind? A person who’s verbally abusing or lashing out at another? Or someone who’s causing a scene by starting an argument or fight?
In psychology, anger is defined as an emotional state often characterized by irritation and increased temperament, which varies in intensity from one person to another. Societies often demonize anger as an emotion or choose to criticize those who feel it in certain situations. However, it must be known that anger is a completely normal emotion, and humans experience it globally and almost daily.
A necessary step towards managing our emotions, especially anger, is normalizing, understanding, and accepting them. Therefore, we should believe that anger is a feeling we all go through, and that it’s okay. Anger can appear to cover for other hurtful feelings a person has, as a defensive mechanism, or to prevent emotions from bottling up under the surface.
In some cases, anger may be considered healthy, as it is a form of human expression and can assist us if needed. Some people feel the need to express their anger to set boundaries with others, to be able to take control over a situation, to maintain leadership, or even to protect themselves from certain people.
However, there is a fine line between accepting or coping with one’s anger and letting it get out of hand. If anger isn’t managed well, it can take control of people and result in violence and further complications. That’s why we must make some effort and take steps toward managing our emotions. And so, here is some advice for those looking to better manage their anger:

Separate Yourself
If you feel stuck in a situation that triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, try taking a break or timeout for yourself. You can use this time to calm down and better understand your feelings, and to consider how you want to respond instead of letting anger take over.
Practice Your Patience
Yes, patience can be practiced and improved! Sometimes, anger may be born from impatience. You can calm yourself down by taking deep breaths, meditating, journaling, or focusing more on whatever brings you joy and relaxation. All that might help you with your patience, and help you communicate more gently with others.
Be More Open
Try opening your mind to different people, minds, and ways of communication. That should help you better understand and accept various people and situations more thoughtfully and without burdening your mind or mental wellness.
Choose A Better Environment
If the environment you’re in is constantly bringing you down, irritating you, or triggering your emotions, you can choose to surround yourself with a better one instead of losing patience or choosing conflict. A better environment will positively impact you and help you develop and improve your different aspects as a person.
Always remember to accept your emotions to be able to manage your life. I hope this article helped you or provided you with some useful information. Don’t forget to share with me how you cope with your anger or bad times!